A Burst of Hope
A Burst of Hope
Fingerprints & Faith: Trusting God in our Story
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Welcome to the A Burst of Hope podcast! We're happy to introduce our guest today, Jane McMillan. Jane is a worshiper, has been married for 48 years, has two children, and retired from her career as a legal administrator.
In this episode, Jane shares how her trust in God began as a young child. From a praying Grandmother to other people God strategically put in her life as mentors, her faith was awakened and grew strong.
When we open our hearts to the Holy Spirit's gentle whispers, He takes us beyond our comfortable boundaries of belief, teaching us to trust deeper in God's infinite power.
Whether you're wrestling with doubt, celebrating a breakthrough, or simply seeking to grow in your walk with the Lord, Jane's stories will remind you that God's fingerprints are everywhere. Please help us get the word out about this podcast! You are our best advertisement!
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