A Burst of Hope
A Burst of Hope
Sacred Rhythms of Gratitude & Prayer - Part 1
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Welcome to "A Burst Of Hope!" We are thrilled you are joining us, and we're excited to introduce our guest to you. Mary Lynn Kirby is a dear friend to both Martha and Kim. She is passionate about living in the awareness of God's Presence. Mary Lynn practiced law for many years and has served and continues to serve the local church and community in many ways. This week and next, we're diving into something special: gratitude journals and prayer boxes, two sacred tools that help us remember God's presence in our lives. As Mary Lynn says, when my mind can't remember, my pencil does. Her story shouts of the faithfulness of God.
If you're looking for a refreshing approach to gratitude and prayer, these practical rhythms offer a sure path to drawing closer to God and bringing a burst of hope to your spiritual journey.
Click the links below for more information on things Mary Lynn talked about:
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